Using AI to Predict Crop Yields

At Xyonix, we regularly build AI and machine learning models to make predictions based on structured and unstructured data like crop yields.

Combine harvester harvesting wheat

Why Predict Crop Yields?

Predicting crop yields is critically important to the global food production ecosystem. Farmers can make better decisions with access to quality crop yield predictions, government policy makers often use accurate crop yield predictions to strengthen national food security, and companies that produce seeds often predict how well new plant variations grow in different environments.

AI models developed from diverse data sources:

Aerial Imagery Analysis

Similar to how marine biologists assess coral reefs, we use AI to analyze aerial imagery to monitor crop health and growth.

Tailored AI Models

We build custom models to assess crop density and environmental impact, providing valuable insights.

Time Series Data Forecasting

We use AI to predict future crop yields by identifying complex patterns in historical data.

Enhanced Agricultural Decision Making

These predictions help optimize planting, irrigation, and harvesting schedules.

Agriculture Price Forecasts

We use AI to analyze historical data and market trends to forecast future crop prices.

Optimize Your Agricultural Output with AI

We have extensive experience building predictive models on a variety of different types of data. Our custom models will give you the ability to accurately and efficiently predict crop yields to optimize your agricultural outputs.

Check out our projects to get a taste of our capabilities:

Want to dig deeper? Read our article about how AI is transforming agriculture below.


[1] Horie, T., Yajima, M., and Nakagawa, H. (1992). Yield forecasting. Agric. Syst. 40, 211–236. doi: 10.1016/0308-521X(92)90022-G

[2] Syngenta (2018). Syngenta Crop Challenge In Analytics. Details at: